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What you need to know: This weblog captures key data points about the global telecoms industry. I use it as an electronic notebook to support my work for Pringle Media.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

SK Telecom Talks Up AI Prospects

SK Telecom reported that its data centre revenue grew 20.5% year-on-year to 59.2 billion Korean won (43 million US dollars) in the second quarter of 2024 "thanks to AI-driven demand growth for data centre and higher utilisation rates of the data centres." 

In the past two years, SK Telecom has invested more than 300 million dollars in AI, including a 10-million-dollar investment in Perplexity, which is developing an AI-based search engine, and a 200-million-dollar investment in Smart Global Holdings (SGH), a provider of AI data centre solutions. 

SKT says SGH developed "ultra-large AI clusters" with 16,000 GPUs for Meta in 2023 and was selected in 2024 as an AI cluster operator of the Voltage Park with 24,000 GPUs. "We plan to combine SGH’s capabilities to build and operate AI clusters with SK Telecom’s solutions, such as data centre management system and liquid immersion cooling, to target the global AI data centre market aggressively," SKT added. "SGH owns edge solutions specialised for industrial applications. The two companies will cooperate to develop telecom edge AI solutions by combining AI with telecom infrastructure."  

Also targeting the PAA (personal AI assistant) market, SKT has started to offer a call recording and summary service and real-time call interpretation service for Android handsets via its A. (A dot) app. As of the end of June, the cumulative downloads of A. (A dot) had exceeded 4.55 million. "In the second half of the year, we will upgrade (the) UX to make it more user-friendly and introduce a generative AI search feature of Perplexity," the telco added. SKT also plans to develop localised PAAs in collaboration with telcos in various countries and expand the service worldwide.  Source: SK Telecom collateral


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